General Hospital has shared the best news in a long time — actor John J. York, who has been fighting cancer (he announced it last September), is back on set and he will start airing again in scenes in June. The show made the announcement that Mac is back on both their official X account (with an image of the actor with onscreen wife Kristina Wagner) and shared more images on Instagram, including with Josh Kelly, who plays his onscreen son (though he doesn’t know it yet) Cody.
York let fans know about the news via a video on his social media account. “I said I was going to give you an update on the reason I’m taking a little hiatus from General Hospital,” he began. “And here it is. So last December, of ’22, I was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndromes, or MDS, and multiple smoldering myeloma, two blood and bone marrow disorders.”
During the months between finding out and his announcement to fans, the actor had undergone bone marrow biopsies, chemo treatments, and announced that he would be looking for a blood stem cell transplant. He partnered with Be The Match to find a donor on their registry.
“I just want to say thanks for all the support over the years. This isn’t good-bye, this is just, ‘So long.’ I’ll have to take a break [from GH] for at least three, maybe four months, but I’ll be back.”
After sharing that news, the actor revealed a potential match was found and he would be undergoing the procedure. Right before Christmas of last year, the actor did another video update, showing his then-bald head, letting his fans know how he was doing.
“I’m still in the middle stages of everything. I have a long road ahead, but the test results are looking good. I’m feeling really good,” he shared. Now comes the news that he’s finally back on set. Fans have been responding to the official GH tweet, thrilled to know the actor is feeling well enough to return to work.