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Days of our Lives Spoilers Video: Baby Switch Secret Explodes

days of our lives spoilers nicole hits sloan, baby, eric, holly, melinda.


Days of our Lives held onto the baby switch secret for a long time but now the news is out and Nicole is thrilled…but also furious. But that’s not all that is happening in Salem next week.

Returns, Sexual Encounters, And Anger Explodes

The first thing we see as the promo begins is Maggie standing up, surprised to see someone. “Hello, stranger,” she says as Bonnie walks into the room and smiles. But she isn’t the only one back. Harris, looking dashing in his uniform, gives a tip of the hat when he walks through the door.

As that happens, a voice-over says, “You’ll never know who you’ll bump into…” just as Lucas, wearing his monk’s robe, crashes into a sight he didn’t expect to see. It’s a woman dressed in denim and a hat, wearing glasses. “It’s you,” he says angrily, and she says the same thing back to him. It’s Goldman, the dirty cop who is also Clyde’s henchwoman.

The voice-over then asks, “Who’s hooking up,” as we see a steamy shot of Jada seemingly kissing Bobby (is it a flashback?), as well as Alex enjoying sexy time in bed with Kristen. “I thought that was over,” a disillusioned Theresa later asks Alex when they meet in the square.

Then we hear the voice-over say, “But one thing’s for sure, when it comes to drama…” and we see Eric turning over little Jude to his mother Nicole, Nicole introducing her son to his sister Holly saying, “This is my baby,” and Nicole enjoying special one-on-one time with him. All is happy, for the moment.

The tone then changes and Rafe is talking with a flustered Melinda. “Are you saying you know nothing about this baby switch,” he asks. She does the acting job of her life as she sputters, “Did you say…baby switch?”

Back at the DiMera mansion, Sloan surprises her rival, announcing herself with a simple, “Hello, Nicole.” This stops Nicole in her tracks. Quick cuts follow of people fighting in black and white — Eric pushes Leo and Bobby/Everett freaks out screaming — before the action switches back to the main event, Nicole vs. Sloan.

“I missed six months of my son’s life because of your lies,” yells Nicole. She then releases a primal scream before throwing a wallop of a punch at Sloan’s face. See it all for yourself in the video below.

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