The thaw in Britt and Terry’s relationship on GH is a welcome turn for their portrayers, reports Kelly Thiebaud (Britt). “The last time Cassandra [James, Terry] and I worked together, there was a funny moment because at the end of the scene, we, like, gave each other a hug [during rehearsal] and before we taped it, they were like, ‘Yeah, I don’t think these characters are quite there yet.’ We were like, ‘Oh, right, right.’ You know, we were kind of bringing in a little element of who we are with each other. I really get along with Cassandra, so when we’re in scenes, we have to pull that back a little bit. I absolutely love, love, love Cassandra. I love what she brings to the show and to the role. She works really hard and she loves being on GH, and it’s been really fun having our characters not just work really well together as co-chiefs of staff, but to get to the point of being friendly.”