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Pet Set: Kiara Barnes (Zoe, B&B)

Animal Attraction: “Luna was just a baby when I adopted her and I’m so glad I found her and we came together. She’s huge now! Every few months, she keeps growing and growing. I’m like, ‘How big is this cat really going to get [laughs]?’ ”

How did Luna come into your life? “I actually ended up adopting her about a year ago from someone within our office here at B&B. I had been talking about wanting a cat for a long time and I was talking with Annika [Noelle, Hope]. Annika has a cat and Annika was like, ‘I’ll keep an eye out for you,’ and then she let me know that someone up in the office had found this cute little cat over a break. This person had three or four cats at the time and she was like, ‘I just can’t take on an extra one,’ and I ended up meeting Luna up in the office for the first time. I was super-nervous because I only had dogs growing up. I was like, ‘I hope she likes me,’ and almost immediately, she fell asleep in my arms and we just totally connected. The woman from the office was like, ‘Oh, my gosh. That’s so crazy because she’s so skittish.’ They found her in the bushes at the front of the house, just hiding in there. She must have gotten lost from her family.”

How is she doing now? “She was definitely a little timid and skittish at first but she’s been absolutely the best thing I’ve ever done. What she’s been doing recently is she’s been standing on her hind legs a lot more, and she’ll reach up to grab her toys. She’s tall as, like, maybe up to my knees standing. I don’t really know what type of cat I ended up getting, but I love her. She taught me a lot.”

How so? “I read something in a meditation book and they were saying that cats are the best example of how to approach life, because they’re such relaxed creatures. They are curious, but for the most part, they really just go with the flow. They don’t really try to predict anything. They’re just chilling. She’s also definitely taught me a lot of patience.”

Cats are also known to be pretty self-sufficient. “Yeah, which I love. I’ve never had any issues with her. When I first got her, I got her a litter box and she was probably only a few months old, but she knew what to do. I was in awe. As I said, I grew up with dogs and the training process of that and I realized, ‘Wow! Cats really are self-sufficient.’ I also like the fact that you don’t have to entertain them the entire time. Sometimes they want to be around you. Sometimes they want to play, and other times they don’t. They’re like, ‘Yeah, I just want to hang out by myself for a while,’ and I’m the same way, so we get along really well!”

Was she originally called Luna, or did you name her? “No, she was originally named Bitty Kitty, or something like that, because she was so tiny. When I first got her, she was like, itsy-bitsy. She was so small. So, that’s what we were calling her. When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to name her, I was thinking of names. I love all the stars, and I decided on Luna because I love the moon and I love the name.”

You said you’ve had Luna for almost a year; any plan for a party to celebrate the anniversary? “I’ve already planned it [laughs]. Am I crazy? I don’t know what has happened to me. My mom bought me these beautiful cat mugs with images that look exactly like Luna. I’m like, ‘Okay, no one give me any more cat stuff because I will become the cat lady house.’ I don’t know if that’s really my lane right now, but I’m pacing myself with the cat gear.”

Kiara Barnes Luna
