Christel Khalil returns to Y&R as Lily on Wednesday, March 13 — and she’s plunged rather than eased back into the Genoa City drama. Speaking to TV Insider, Khalil shared that Lily will quickly discover that in her absence, her lover, Daniel, has rekindled his relationship with Heather. “I think she’s at first just in shock,” Khalil said. “As time goes on, it hits her more and more, how horrible it really all was.”
The actress hinted that Daniel’s betrayal will kick off a major new arc for Lily — one that may well prove to be transformational for the character. “I think people are going to see a different side of Lily,” she offered. “There’s going to be a lot of drama for sure, but it’s going to be fun to see something that people haven’t really seen before when it comes to Lily and how she deals with things.”