TAINTED DREAMS, the Emmy-nominated digital series created and executive-produced by Sonia Blangiardo, returns to Amazon and Amazon Prime for a second season on December 21 (the first season is currently streaming on Amazon). The show follows the behind-the-scenes drama on a fictional soap called PAINTED DREAMS and boasts a bevy of soap talent in its cast, including Alicia Minshew (ex-Kendall, ALL MY CHILDREN), Austin Peck (ex-Austin, DAYS et al), Grant Aleksander (ex-Phillip, GUIDING LIGHT et al), Natalia Livingston (ex-Emily, GH), Bobbie Eakes (ex-Macy, B&B et al), Colleen Zenk (ex-Barbara, AS THE WORLD TURNS) and more. Blangiardo says that she is “excited to take everyone along these characters’ journeys in Season 2, as they evolve and deal with ever increasing professional and personal turmoil.” For more information, check out www.TaintedDreams.com.
TAINTED DREAMS Season 2 Premieres December 21
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