Don’t miss today’s nostalgic episode of GH as the show celebrates its 55th anniversary, an hour which will also feature the return of Lynn Herring’s Lucy Coe, last seen in July 2017. Co-Head Writer Shelly Altman says that in crafting the show, the writing team was looking both to advance story and pay homage to Port Charles’s rich history. “That is always the challenge when you are doing an episode [like this],” she says. “You can do time-out-of-time and just stand by itself, which I think the episode does, but at the same time, you do want to move forward with story. This is an opportunity that really did afford both of those things for us because Mike being at the center of the event for which the anniversary is played” — an event Sonny plans in hopes of triggering memories for his Alzheimer’s-stricken father — “is also, obviously, very much a part of Sonny’s story, and we were able to honor the history of the show in, I think, a big way, but also lay out hope for the future.”