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GENERAL HOSPITAL's Josh Swickard (Chase) And Wife Lauren On Their Big Move




GH’s Josh Swickard (Chase) and his wife, Lauren, who recently wrapped her own Port Charles run as Ferncliff nurse Janice, announced their big news on social media: They moved out of Los Angeles and are the proud new owners of a farm!  (Click here for the adorable reveal video.) Digest spoke to the couple over the summer, when they had just made the move. “We’re renovating and living in a van with our kids and, and it’s been a lot!” Josh admitted. While living as a family of four in a van posed its challenges, “I think the best part is we’re all just closer in proximity, which is just fun,” mused Lauren. “We cook together and we get creative about where we eat because it’s kind of crowded to eat in there, so we’ll cook in there and then we’ll go on an adventure and eat outside on this table and or we’ll lay a blanket in the grass and eat a meal picnic-style. Savannah [their 2-year-old daughter] loves it because her two favorite people in the world are in the same room with her at all times.” The close quarters put Savannah’s adjustment to life as a big sister to the text (the Swickards’ son, Arthur, was born in February). Shared Josh, “She has her moments where I’ll be holding Arthur and she’ll be like, ‘No, Dada. Me on your lap.’ She has her moments of wanting to be an only child, but overall, she’s great with him! This whole chapter is one of those times where it’s so hard in the moment, but looking back on it, you’ll be like, ‘It was so happy and fun and adventurous! It’s been a crazy time, but so fun, though! We’re really excited about this next chapter for our family.” And rest assured, Chase fans — though his commute to work just got longer, Swickard has no plans to leave GH.

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