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DAYS Fave Frank Parker Passes Away

Evening with the Stars to Benefit the Desi Geestman Foundation
Frank Parker Evening with the Stars to Benefit the Desi Geestman Foundation Ivar Hollywood, CA 10/7/07 ©Jill Johnson/ 310-657-9661 Credit: JPI

Frank Parker, best known to soap fans for his long-running role as DAYS’s Grandpa Shawn, the patriarch of the Brady family, which he played from 1983-2008, passed away on September 16 at the age of 79, from complications of Parkinson’s and dementia. A Pennsylvania native, Parker is survived by his wife, Mary, and two daughters. “I so enjoyed spending time with this man,” Wally Kurth (Justin, DAYS) wrote on Twitter. “He was a natural actor. Very believable – with a twinkle in his eye that matched his Irish brogue.”




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