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Soaps' Sexiest Men Gregory Harrison

Soaps’ Sexiest Men – Gregory Harrison (Gregory, GH)

You’ve been a sex symbol for a good 50 years now. Was there ever a point where you were bashful about it or uncomfortable with it? “Absolutely! Like, from day one. I mean, it’s silly to think of yourself in those terms. But it just means that people are relating to me and I take that as a compliment. And at my age, to still be considered one of the sexy group is almost like a punchline to a joke to me — but it’s flattering!”
Did you tell your wife, “According to Soap Opera Digest, I’ve still got it”? “Yeah. She laughed.”

What do you think is your wife, Randi Oakes’s, sexiest trait? “Oh, gosh. Well, after 42 years of marriage, she’s just the best wife ever and what’s sexiest is that she’s hung in there with me through all of my various exploits and mistakes. Her tolerance, that’s maybe the sexiest thing about her.”

What physical attribute do you get complimented on the most? “Usually my eyes and I’m not sure why. I think it’s just because my eyes reflect that I’m really listening, and people like that.”

When you were coming of age, who did you consider a sex symbol? “Jacqueline Bisset.”

What is your signature scent? “You want the truth? Salt water, because I’m a surfer.”

What is your idea of a romantic evening? “I like intimacy. So, a private dinner in a restaurant and then, if we’re back in Catalina where I grew up, take a walk to look at the moon on the water.”

What would your teenage self think if he knew you’d be named to many a sexy men list over the course of decades? “I thought I was pretty hot stuff back when I was in high school! So that teenage guy probably wouldn’t be surprised. What he would be surprised by is that 50 years later he would still be on somebody’s list. That would impress him. He would be impressed that I was still alive 50 years later, and then that I was on somebody’s list? Oh, my goodness!”
