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Fitness Wrap: Aketra Sevillian

Aketra Sevillian (Talia, DAYS) offers her get-fit secrets


“I suffer from GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease, so I have really bad acid reflux. For the past four years, I’ve been eating very clean and healthy. I started transitioning into being vegan, but I lost a lot of weight, so I went back to being a pescatarian. I eat fish, a lot of fruits and vegetables, and I stay away from dairy products. I also drink a lot of water. For breakfast I am obsessed with avocado toast. I’m not a big lunch girl. I snack a lot. I’ll have fruit and things that I get from Whole Foods, like granola bars. I love nuts, too, almonds and cashews. For dinner, I love salmon. I could eat salmon every day of the week. I eat that with mashed potatoes and either Brussels sprouts or broccoli. Another snack I love is popcorn. I buy a really healthy one at Whole Foods. If anyone is looking to slim down or lose a few pounds before summer, I would say really eat clean, vegan-wise, [for a few weeks]. Try that and juicing. Have things like green juices and carrot juices and you will see crazy results.”


“I played basketball in college, and my strength and conditioning coach built us like men. I’m very toned and muscular in the arms. I never lost that. I stay away from anything [focused on my] upper body, because I could easily look like the Hulk. I love [having] a good stomach and a good bottom. That’s my main focus when I go to see to see my trainer. I try to work out four days a week. I love squatting. If you want fast results, squatting is where it’s at. I also do lunges, box jumps and leg presses. I also love cardio. That helps keep the body toned, too. Doing about 30 minutes of cardio a day not only helps you look good but feel good. You get rid of your stresses, and it’s good for the heart. One way I challenged myself last year was to do a 5K every month. It can be fun ones. I’ve done The Color Run, The Bubble Run, Tough Mudder … I’ve done a couple of Tough Mudders with my dad. We made a goal to do one every year together. It helps to set goals and start off small. Try to do 30 minutes a day in the gym, or go three times a week. Don’t try to go every day and stay for an hour. That’s not going to make it fun. Try to make the gym fun, because if you make it fun, you’ll want to go back. I try to keep it simple. If I can’t get to see my trainer, I have a gym at my apartment. I’ll go down for a few minutes, get on the treadmill and listen to a podcast or an audio book. I also have a dog, Zola. She helps keep me active for sure. I have to take her on walks every day. Make exercise fun and set two realistic goals for yourself a month, and try to help keep yourself accountable. Also, grab a partner. Grab a friend. Working out with somebody is always fun.”
