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ICYMI: Thorsten Kaye (Ridge) Recalls His Favorite B&B Moments

Favorite Thing About Playing Ridge? “Well, I wanted to create something special, in my image, because I never looked as good as Ronn Moss [ex-Ridge], even on a great day, so the fun part of the challenge was to not walk into a room and have everyone stop and look at you. I don’t mean to sound corny. It was really about re-creating a character, and I had to first make him human and then find reasons to be with the same woman over and over again.

Favorite B&B Guest Star? “We have a lot of [guest star] doctors and I’ve got to say, the worst thing you can do as a guest star is play a doctor because it’s like doing a soap opera in Swedish. You have to say things in a certain way, and so you’re already underwater with that. Then, you’re only there for two-to-three days, and you’re trying to make a point and have a connection, so my hat is off to any actor who comes in for that. I played a doctor once [PORT CHARLES’s Ian] and they canceled that show. Now we know why. I really enjoyed working with Joe Lando [ex-Craig, et al]. He’s such a guy, and I really liked hanging out with him. It’s a shame Ridge f—ed him over.”

Favorite Thing About Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke)? She’s the best. She is the absolute best. Oh, Katherine. I just want her to be happy and safe and all of those things because she is one of the newest people you are ever going to meet. I say it over and over again, but she has just gotten prettier every year I’ve known her. I’ve seen pictures of her from back in the day, and I think she’s more beautiful now than she was 20 years ago. I didn’t know her then, but what a kind individual. She always cares about other people, and as an actress, she is always prepared — and she’s just fun to work with.”

Most Memorable Ridge Storyline? “As far as anything that went for a while, something that had a beginning, middle and end, I enjoyed the Caroline [romance] story. They were two people who shouldn’t be together, and not just because he’s three times her age, but they were two very different people who came together, and we really wanted to make it believable. I had fun doing that.”

Favorite Scene Partner? “I love anything with John McCook [Eric]. Just to spend time with that man is a blessing. John McCook is one of the most sincere people I’ve ever known. I wish we worked together more because he brings so much to the table and he’s so interesting to watch. Story-wise, he has a history with Brooke. Maybe after what went on with Ridge and Quinn a couple years back, maybe now it’s time for a reversal and Eric can take care of Brooke in her time of need. I could see that. I know that would be good just from the way he works. I’d love to work with him more.”

Most Memorable B&B Storyline? “Actually, my favorite story on the show was when Karla [Mosley, Maya] had the ball and told the transgender storyline. I think that was so well done. I didn’t have much to do with it but it was really nice to sit and watch those guys. You forget how great Karla is at what she does. She is so talented. She’s so good and she is beautiful, inside and out.”

Best Daytime Emmy Moment? “I think maybe being up there onstage presenting with Chris Douglas [ex-Dylan, ONE LIFE TO LIVE et al] and my now- wife, Susan Haskell [ex-Marty, OLTL]. There was a lot of hair on that stage.”

Favorite Plot Twist? “That’s pretty much every week here. That’s Brad’s [Bell, execu- tive producer/head writer] staple, to throw people for a loop, and you’ve got to give it to him. He can always find a way to make it work.”

Best Ad-Lib? “Oh, my God. That’s every day. I do try to throw a little hockey reference in there now and then.”

Favorite Location Shoot? “There are a few, but I got to take [daughter] McKenna to Australia with me, and that’s already three years ago. I took her on her 14th birthday and she just turned 17. It seems like it was only three months ago. But that is something we will always have together, even just the flight, hanging out and watching movies. Hopefully, when she’s older and she goes back, she’ll remember us being there, too.” Favorite B&B Wedding? “Australia, once again. I got to sit and not say much and my daughter was there, so that was a good day for me.”

Favorite B&B Wedding? “Australia, once again. I got to sit and not say much and my daughter was there, so that was a good day for me.”

Best Thing About Working With Darin Brooks (Wyatt)? “Darin Brooks is one of my favorites. He’s funny. He’s present all the time and he has a brand-new baby with Kelly [Kruger, ex-Mackenzie, Y&R]. How cool is that? And he’s done some great stuff in his career. He’s done some films. He did that BLUE MOUNTAIN [STATE] thing, which I thought was really great, and Denise Richards [Shauna] was on it! Darin is a great guy and I wish him all the best as a parent with Everleigh. If he’s smart, he won’t turn to me for advice.”

Favorite Thing About Courtney Hope (Sally)? “I think Courtney is stunning. She’s also a Michigan girl [via Texas], which is always a good thing. I met her parents and there is just something about people who come from the Midwest. I’m not from this country but it seems my favor- ite people come from the Midwest, and she is one of them.”

Favorite Thing About Working With Rena Sofer (Quinn)? “When you look like that, and you have those eyes and that face, it’s amazing. You see these pictures of her and then she walks into the room and you’re like, ‘Wow!’ She’s one of the most stunning people, and I think she’s a strong actor. She shows up. She’s in the moment. She’s really good at what she does, and I’d like to see more of her on-screen, as well.”

Favorite Thing About Working With Lawrence Saint-Victor (Carter)? “He’s a real good guy, but I don’t know why he lets himself go like that. I don’t know if he’s intimidated by my physique but he just stopped [working out] altogether and has really gone to pot [laughs]. I really like Lawrence. I just hope when we have scenes together that he doesn’t take his shirt off in Ridge’s office again. They really need more rooms in that place. And best of all, Lawrence is a good dad and his son is very lucky to have him.”

Favorite Thing About Heather Tom (Katie)? “When she has something really meaty to do, like those scenes with Will dur- ing the kidney story, she will be there 100 percent. She can cry at the drop of a hat. She can go from happy to sad to angry, from zero to 60. She can do all those things.”

Best Thing About Working With Obba Babatundé (Julius)? “This guy is so talented. He can act, sing, dance; he does it all. He’s also great at impressions. He’s a real entertainer. On those long days when you’re filming a wedding or a party or something like that, you want a guy on the set like Obba to keep the mood light and the energy up.” Favorite Thing About Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy)? “Oh, I love that woman so much. I’ve got to tell you, I didn’t think she could get any brighter. When she walks into a room, the temperature changes, and that’s not just because of the way she looks. It’s because of who she is. Since becoming a mother, she’s even more attrac- tive, if that’s at all possible.”

Favorite Thing About Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy)? “Oh, I love that woman so much. I’ve got to tell you, I didn’t think she could get any brighter. When she walks into a room, the temperature changes, and that’s not just because of the way she looks. It’s because of who she is. Since becoming a mother, she’s even more attractive, if that’s at all possible.”

Best Thing About Working With Denise Richards? “I hate to say it, but this is probably the closest I’ll ever get to playing James Bond, by kissing Denise Richards [who played Dr. Christmas Jones in 1999’s The World Is Not Enough]. So, thank you for that. We did a Facebook chat together a while back, which was fun. I’m really glad she’s here and I hope they give her story that she can really sink her teeth into because she’s a good actor, and I’m looking forward to see what she’s bringing.”


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