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Rebels on the Run

(1980) Luke and Laura
After his defunct wedding to Jennifer Smith, these two set the bar for everyone that came after, hiding out as they compiled evidence against mob kingpin Frank Smith. They shared a classic night locked in Wyndham’s department store and hid out in a little town called Beecher’s Corners and eventually stayed successfully out of sight throughout the eighties, returning to Port Charles in 1993.

(1986) Frisco and Felicia
Worried that his bookkeeper and her cop boyfriend were getting dangerously close to discovering his mob activities, suave but shady nightclub owner Duke Lavery framed Felicia for stealing a fur coat. This clever move forced the young couple on the run (and saved their lives from the hit that Duke’s annoyed mob associates had put out on them). Frisco and Felicia wound up hiding out in disguise as an elderly couple on the boardwalk of Atlantic City — just steps away from a meeting with Duke’s mob boss, “Mr. B” (a.k.a. police chief Burt Ramsey!).

(1989) Decker and Felicia
Frustrated by Frisco and Colton, Maxie’s future mama hit the road — and hit her head! Thinking she was con artist Phoebe Dawson, she and Colton’s brother Decker Moss had a wild ride before she came home and picked Frisco.

(1993) Mac and Felicia
Charged with the attempted murder of Dr. Ryan Chamberlin, Felicia broke out of the loony bin with Mac’s help intent on proving that she was innocent and Ryan was a serial psycho! She and Mac even stashed themselves in Beecher’s Corners!

(1995-1996) Lucky and Emily
The precocious pre-teens stayed two steps ahead of experts Luke and Laura as they hopped from Port Charles to Boston to New Mexico in search of Emily’s aunt so she wouldn’t have to live with those crazy Quartermaines. She stayed with the Qs, but…

(2000) Zander and Emily
Drug dealer Zander grabbed Emily at gunpoint and fled after her friends stashed a dead cop in his trunk. He soon traded drugs for Pixie Stix and Em’s belief in him. But, unfortunately…

(2004) Zander and Maxie
Wrongfully accused of shooting another cop, Brian Beck, Zander wound up crashing on Maxie’s bedroom floor and in the boiler room of the PC Hotel. He was presumed dead in the hotel fire and died for real in Emily’s arms after a fatal stand-off with the police.

Note to Maxie: tell Jesse to duck.

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